Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever) with a 2 Wing

Comunità Queeniana, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Why we think Luciano Pavarotti is a Type 3

  • Demeanor. He was quite the showman. He had an engaging presence and a warm,  big smile that captivated audiences around the world. Pavarotti was known for his ability to connect with the music and the audience, using his body language and facial expressions to convey the stories and emotions behind the operas he performed. He was persistently smiley (which gives us confidence that he has a 2 Wing).

  • Commercial orientation. Pavarotti's vision for his collaboration with Plácido Domingo and José Carreras, forming the Three Tenors, allowed him to tap into a broader audience and gain more attention than he would have as a solo opera singer. The collaboration brought opera to the masses and allowed Pavarotti to capitalize on the shared limelight.

  • Impressed by himself. In interviews, he comes across as self-referential and quite pleased with his own humor. 

  • Sensitive to perception. Pavarotti seemed to thrive on the adoration and praise of his fans and critics. He played into his charismatic and larger-than-life personality, which endeared him to fans and kept him in the public eye.  

  • Success-driven. Pavarotti was incredibly dedicated to his craft, tirelessly working to perfect his technique and advance his career. Despite his expertise and fame, he was known to practice every single day, even at the height of his career. 

  • Ability to lead, collaborate, and inspire. Pavarotti organized and participated in several charity concerts called "Pavarotti & Friends," where he collaborated with popular musicians like Bono, Sting, and Elton John. 

  • Focus on legacy. Pavarotti used his autobiography, Pavarotti: My World, as a platform to share his life's journey, emphasizing how his passion and hard work led him to become one of the greatest opera singers of his time. This narrative not only painted him as an ardent lover of music but also created a legacy for future musicians to derive inspiration from his persistence. He also dedicated pages to the description of his relationships, personal struggles, enjoyments, and important life events. By doing so, he aimed not only to immortalize his personal life but also to portray an image of a successful, yet human and relatable, figure.

Luciano Pavarotti quotes that show he is a Type 3

  • "When I'm on stage, I feel at home."

  • "The only victory that really counts in music is the conquest of the public's heart."

  • "I want to reach as many people as possible with the message of music, of wonderful opera."

  • "The audience is the best judge."

  • "I think an important quality that I have is that if you turn on the radio and hear somebody sing, you know it's me. You don't confuse my voice with another voice."