Enneagram Personality Type 9 Review

In One Sentence I pride myself in being a calm, easy-going, unassuming person who can flow with whatever comes and doesn’t need recognition or attention, but I don’t readily admit to myself my problems or work to resolve conflicts because that’s really difficult and makes me not feel peaceful

Essence Qualities Wholeness, Unity, Flow

Basic Fear losing my world of internal peace

Basic Desire to feel harmonious

Type 9 with 1 Wing I’m sensitive, kind, and deeply concerned with ethics, constantly thinking about the ideal way to live though I prefer to philosophize about it rather than truly live it because it would require me to give up all of my homey, comfortable habits to step out into the world of conflict and make it better

Famous 9s Rosa Parks, Jack Johnson, Grace Kelly, Jim McAllister in Election, Marge Sherwood in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Henri Rousseau, James Taylor, Nina Sayers in Black Swan