Countries and Cultures That Reflect Enneagram Types

Boy Scouts: Enneagram Type 6 Culture

Why we think the Boy Scouts is a Type 6 culture

  • "Be Prepared." The Boy Scouts' motto emphasizes readiness and reliability.

  • The Scout Law. The twelve points of the Scout Law, which is a set of principles that Scouts are expected to live by, include trustworthiness, loyalty, obedience, bravery, and reverence.

  • The Scout Oath. The oath every member must take is one of duty to others, oneself, and one’s country.

  • Patrol System. The system for the organization of Scouts into small groups is all about a structured and organized environment. It promotes teamwork, trust, and a sense of belonging. All team members have specific roles and responsibilities with an emphasis on setting aside individual interests out of loyalty to the group. 

  • The Fleur-de-lis. The universal emblem of scouting, the fleur-de-lis (a decorative symbol resembling a stylized lily flower that symbolizes strength and unity),  is meant to guide Scouts in their duty and service. The three points of the Fleur-de-lis represent the three parts of the Scout Promise which appear in the Scout’s Oath – duty to God and country, duty to others, and duty to self.