Enneagram Type 3 (The Achiever) with a 2 Wing

Gerald Johnson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Why we think O.J. Simpson is a Type 3

  • Intense dedication to his craft. In many interviews, Simpson's coaches, teammates, and he himself speak to his relentless pursuit of perfection. Specifically, Simpson was known to drill tirelessly on his technique, whether it was his running style, his ability to read defenses, or his ball-handling skills. He took immense pride in fine-tuning even the smallest details, like the angle of his cuts, or his footwork as he approached the line of scrimmage. He believed that it was this attention to detail that separated the good players from the great ones. His former coach John McKay said, "Simpson has the greatest amount of concentration of any athlete I've ever known." His hard work paid off as he had numerous career achievements including winning the Heisman Trophy in college and various breaking NFL records.

  • The Heisman pose: Simpson’s famous Heisman Trophy pose is iconic and was a significant image-branding moment for him. This branding not only speaks to his athletic achievements but also showcases a proud display of success.

  • Demeanor and posture. His posture throughout his NFL and post-NFL career was upright, confident, and powerful. He presented in a professional way. In the broadcasting studio, his demeanor was charismatic, affable, and approachable. He was known for his warm smile and relaxed posture.

  • Desire to stay relevant and achieve success even after his NFL career. After his athletic career, Simpson continued to pursue professional achievements in other arenas, including becoming a broadcaster, an actor, and getting paid to endorse various products.

  • Desire for the limelight. The O.J. Simpson trial was televised, and instead of shunning the attention, Simpson seemed to often play to the cameras in the courtroom. His interactions, expressions, and even choices in legal strategy were frequently discussed as being tailored for the court of public opinion. After the civil trial conviction and after being granted parole, Simpson did not retreat from public life. He created a Twitter account and began sharing his thoughts on various topics.

O.J. Simpson quotes that show he is a Type 3

  • "I had one thing I had to do and nothing was going to deter me from that. So that was what I did."

  • "I've been very clear. I won. I didn't commit the crime."

  • "I've accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish."

  • "I live in a no-negative zone. I just don't promote negativity."

  • "The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start to the top."

  • "I've been through some tough times, but I never stop trying."

  • "I don't dwell on the negatives... I look at the positives."

  • "I want to be remembered as a good guy. I want to do my work and be recognized for it."

  • “I always put my fantasies in the realm of goals.”

  • “I have always wanted to be liked and respected.”