Enneagram Type 1 (The Moralist) with a 9 Wing

David Hume Kennerly, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Why we think George Harrison is a Type 1

  • Songs that reflect a strong moral stance. His lyrics often addressed perceived wrongs or emphasized a higher moral ground. Songs like "Taxman" reveal a sense of moral indignation at societal issues. His song "Piggies" from The White Album offers social commentary through sarcastic lyrics about the bourgeoisie's insatiable greed.

  • On alert for corrupting influences. His song "Beware of Darkness" warns about being misled by those who don't hold genuine spiritual values, emphasizing the importance of discernment and integrity in spiritual pursuits. He was telling us to watch out for the corrupting aspects of the world and of ourselves that cause us to miss out on who we truly are.

  • Lack of interest in superficial fame. While all The Beatles struggled with the trappings of fame, Harrison was notably disinterested in the superficial aspects of celebrity. He sought depth, meaning, and integrity in his life, often shunning the spotlight when it didn't align with these values.

  • Frustration with misalignment. By the end of The Beatles' career, Harrison became increasingly frustrated with the band's direction, feeling that it lacked sincerity and depth and was not aligned with his principles. Songs like "Not Guilty" reflected his feelings of being stifled and misunderstood within the group in relation to his values.

  • Criticism of peers. Harrison was sometimes openly critical of others in the band. For instance, he wasn't shy about his criticisms of some of John Lennon's experimental work with Yoko Ono, which he didn't see as genuinely musical or meaningful.

  • Search for higher principles. Harrison's interest in spirituality and his subsequent deep dive into it demonstrates a longing for a higher principle and truth. His dedication to the Hare Krishna movement and the spiritual practices associated with it show an individual in pursuit of moral and spiritual integrity.

  • Dedication to meditation and Krishna Consciousness. Harrison’s sincere commitment to his meditation practice and the Hare Krishna movement wasn't just a passing interest. He saw it as a means of personal and global transformation. He believed that if enough people practiced it, the collective consciousness of the world would shift, leading to global peace and harmony.

  • Calm and measured: Harrison rarely displayed overtly boisterous or extroverted behavior, particularly when compared to the likes of Ringo Starr or John Lennon. Instead, he had a calm and measured way of expressing himself, whether through speech or music (this also speaks to his 9 Wing).

  • Perfectionism. George's dedication to gardening, especially at his home in Friar Park, shows his perfectionistic tendencies. He put incredible care, attention to detail, and a sense of purpose into this endeavor, seeing it as a reflection of the divine.

  • Humanitarian efforts to help correct injustices. Harrison organized The Concert for Bangladesh in 1971, which was the first major benefit concert. He had a strong desire to help those suffering and to correct the inequities of the world, and was willing to put in the hard work in order to do that.

  • Integrity in musical evolution. Even when it wasn't popularly embraced, George introduced Indian classical music elements into Beatles' songs. Despite pushback, he persisted because he felt it was a necessary evolution for the music and because he believed in the spiritual depth it offered.

George Harrison quotes that show he is a Type 1

  • "All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much."

  • "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."

  • "Try to realize it's all within yourself, no one else can make you change."

  • "The biggest break in my career was getting into the Beatles in 1962. The second biggest break since then is getting out of them."

  • "With our love, we could save the world."

  • “As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.

  • “Gossip is the Devil’s radio.”

  • “I want a love that's right but right is only half of what's wrong.”

  • “Isn’t it a pity. Isn’t is a shame. How we break each other’s hearts. And cause each other pain. How we take each other’s love. Without thinking anymore. Forgetting to give back. Isn’t it a pity.”

  • “The nicest thing is to open the newspapers and not to find yourself in them.”

  • "We have all the media you can dream of in the West, but nobody knows anything."

  • "All the problems are within us, and that's where the solutions lie as well."

  • "I think people who can live their life in music are telling the world: 'You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly.’"